Essential Tips for Propane Safety: Keeping Your Home and Family Secure

- 9:00 am - June 14th, 2024

Propane has continued to grow in popularity among American homeowners for a variety of reasons. In addition to providing exceptional heating in the winter, propane is highly versatile, energy efficient, and safe. Although propane has an excellent safety record, it’s important to always practice propane safety to limit the chances of an issue.

Your safety is our #1 priority at Alger Oil & Propane. Please review our propane safety tips below and share them with your family so everyone in your home knows what to do in the event of a leak.

  1. Schedule inspections and tune-ups: All repairs to your propane system need to be done by a certified professional. Call Alger Oil & Propane to service your equipment and make sure you have a leak-free system.
  1. Proper storage: Propane tanks should always be stored outside in a dry place, on an even surface, and should have ample ventilation. They should also remain upright and secure to avoid issue.
  1. Clean up Around your tank: You always want to keep a clear path to your tank. Make sure there aren't any branches or bushes around or in the path to the tank so our delivery drivers can easily access your tank.
  1. What to do if you smell propane:
    • Do not ignite flames or sparks
    • Do not turn any light switches on/off
    • Leave the area immediately
    • Shut off the gas if it is safe
    • Report the leak
    • Do not return to the building or area
    • Have your system checked!

Propane also helps fuel your summer fun by powering your pool heater, hot tub, outdoor grill, and more! Whatever you use your propane for, Alger Oil & Propane is the company to call for reliable deliveries and service.

Click here to contact us about our propane services.